
Lahanti Journey

The story begins with an action research in Chakai in 2015. Gautam Bisht who did his work on designing indigenous pedagogy is at the centre surrounded by the children who were part of the learning group he formed in the village. Shuvajit Chakrborty, the Co founder of the organization was Gautam’s field supervisor for this.

Lahanti Promote the C3 pedagogy of learning; Cognitive, Contextual and Creative which includes Budhi Path, Raska Path and Kami Path.

Budhi Path (Cognitive Pedagogy)

This Path include the cognitive development of children like Basic counting, language, reading and writing.

Raska path (creative Pedagogy)

Raska is a Santhali word, which means ‘Joyfulness’. Santhal children learn everything with Raska. Raska Path focuses on various ways of creative expressions with is already there in community; Dance, song, storytelling, theatre, etc.

Kami Path (Contextual Pedagogy)

Kami means ‘work’ in Santhali. Everyday life in village teach the Santhal child various lessons. Kami path focuses on those everyday activities of village like agriculture, livestock rearing, hunting, fishing, foraging, etc.